Program direction
Course not available in the current term
- PSY 1320 - Les psychothérapies
Publications & Presentations
This section shows the documents (if any) that are available in R-libre, TELUQ's open access research publication repository.
Journal articles (refereed)
Kpanake, Lonzozou; Sorum, Paul, & Mullet, Etienne (2017). Allocation of Antiretroviral Drugs to HIV-infected Patients in Togo: Perspectives of People Living with HIV and Healthcare Providers. Journal of Medical Ethics, 43, 845-851.
Kpanake, Lonzozou; Gbandey, Sadji; Sorum, Paul, & Mullet, Etienne (2016). Acceptability of Vaccination against HIV : A Mapping of Togolese People’s Positions. Journal of Health Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1177/1359105316639440
Kpanake, Lonzozou; Sorum, Paul, & Mullet, Etienne (2016). Breaking bad news to Togolese patients. Health Communication, 31, 1311-1317. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2015.1050622
Kpanake, Lonzozou; Sorum, Paul, & Mullet, Etienne (2014). Togolese Lay People’s and Health Professionals’ Views about the Acceptability of Physician-Assisted Suicide. Journal of Medical Ethics, 40, 621-624.
Kpanake, Lonzozou; Patassi, Akouda, & Mullet, Etienne (2013). Criminal prosecution of a male partner for sexual transmission of infectious diseases: The views of educated people living in Togo. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 89, 290–294.
Kpanake, Lonzozou, & Mullet, Etienne (2011). Judging the Acceptability of Amnesties: A Togolese Perspective. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 28, 291-313. https://doi.org/10.1002/crq.20024